Program Details
Mexican American Opportunity Foundation (MAOF)
MAOF Food Bank/Food Delivery
Hours of Operation
Call for Hours
Food bank open Th: 9am-12pm.
The Home Delivered Meals Program delivers one hot well balanced meal, Monday through Friday. M, Tu, Th, F: 8am-5pm, W: 8am-7pm.

Food bank open Th: 9am-12pm. Open to all, must bring ID.
The MAOF Food Bank is a stand-alone Emergency Food Assistance Program with subsidies provided by the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Clients qualify for this service based on a self-certification process. The MAOF Food Bank is currently offering services out of the Montebello Office.
The Home Delivered Meals Program delivers one hot well balanced meal, Monday through Friday to older adults 60+ that are homebound due to illness or disability.
1-Requirements: 60 years of age or older, homebound, unable to drive
2-Must live in Service Areas: 90031,90032,90041,90042, 90065, and portions of 90023 & 90063 (only in the City of Los Angeles)
3-Suggested donation: $2.00 per meal.
4- Location: 1200 N. State St. LA, CA 90033 Suite 1065
Number to call: 213-481-5980
The MAOF Food Bank is a stand-alone Emergency Food Assistance Program with subsidies provided by the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Clients qualify for this service based on a self-certification process. The MAOF Food Bank is currently offering services out of the Montebello Office.
The Home Delivered Meals Program delivers one hot well balanced meal, Monday through Friday to older adults 60+ that are homebound due to illness or disability.
1-Requirements: 60 years of age or older, homebound, unable to drive
2-Must live in Service Areas: 90031,90032,90041,90042, 90065, and portions of 90023 & 90063 (only in the City of Los Angeles)
3-Suggested donation: $2.00 per meal.
4- Location: 1200 N. State St. LA, CA 90033 Suite 1065
Number to call: 213-481-5980
List of Services
Groceries/Food Pantry
Senior Meals
Any in need of food assistance with focus on Latino community.
Home delivery Meals only for homebound adults 60 years + who live in Service Areas: 90031,90032,90041,90042, 90065, portions of 90023 & 90063 (only in the City of Los Angeles)"
Serves 12 and Older
English, Espanol
East County
Contact Info
Additional Contact Info
Elizabeth Jimenez
Program Director
(323) 278-3628
Office Home Delivery Case Worker: (213) 481-5980